THM 105 Introduction to Business











THM 105 Introduction to Business
Section : 3
2008-2009 Spring


Credits : 3
ECTS Credits : 6
Name of Lecturer : Instructor Mustafa Siyahhan
E-mail address :


Assessment Methods
Assessment Method (%) Contribution to Final Grade Date Week
Homework 10   0
Quiz 10   4
Midterm:Mult-choice 30   8
Quiz 10   12
Final:Multiple choice 35   15
In-class participation 5   0


Recommended Textbook
Year/Edition: 3rd Edit
Title: Business in Action
Author(s): Bovee, C., L. Thill, J.
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Required Lecture
Year/Edition: 2007
Title: Introduction to Business
Author(s): Yener Ergüven
Recommended Textbook
Year/Edition: 7th Edit
Title: Business Today
Author(s): Rachman, Mescon, Bovee, Thill

Type of Course


Teaching Methods
Assignment ---- Lecture


Course Material


Course Contents
Week : 1
Classes begin - Introduction to Business

Additional Information: Why individuals engage in business activities? General trend in development of businesses from local to Global organizations. The essense of Globalization for small and large businesses
Week : 2
Private Enterprise and its Challenges

Additional Information: Defining business and its relationship with general economic theory. Elaborate on how different economic systems impact businesses, their establishment and operation. What are some of the challenges facing businesses in the near future
Week : 3
Social Responsibility and Business Ethics

Additional Information: Ethics and social responsibility issues concerning business entities. Code of ethics as it refers to all stakeholders in a business environment: customers, suppliers, competition, investors and general public
Week : 4
Forms of Business Ownership Business Entities in Turkey QUIZ 1

Additional Information: Defining different types of business ownership, specifying the advantages and disadvantages of each, the ways that patterns of ownership may change over time. Types of business ownership in Turkey as covered by the Turkish Commercial Code
Week : 5
Entrepreneurship, Small Business and Franchising

Additional Information: The role and magnitude of small businesses in the world, Europe and Turkey. Ways and means of establishing a small business, Franchising as a means of starting a small business.
Week : 6
Management Functions and Decision Making

Additional Information: Defining Management and the management process in terms of basic functions employed by businesses. The role of managerial skills and decision making in business organization, how to deal with issues such as TQM, Managing Diversity and Global Manager.
Week : 7
Organizational Strategies

Additional Information: The rules and principles governing business organizations. The question of authority and the ways it is practiced. The meaning of the Organization Theory, the Global Organization and Communication within the organization.
Week : 8

Week : 9
Human Relations

Additional Information: The value and importance of human element in work environment. The type and different styles of leadership and its relation with company culture. Motivations and worker friendly programs that contribute to work efficiency in businesses
Week : 10
Human Resource Management

Additional Information: Defining the process of human relation management in relation to determining human resource needs. The issue of Equal Opportunity at work and employee compensation in line with equal opportunity principle. The idea of marketing oneself and applying for a job.
Week : 11
Labor Relations and Turkish Labor Legislation

Additional Information: Legislations relating to labor in Turkey. The history of Labor Unions, how labor unions are organized, what are their objectives and how they attract members.
Week : 12
Labor Relations and Turkish Labor Legislation QUIZ 2

Additional Information: Legislations relating to labor in Turkey. The history of Labor Unions, how labor unions are organized, what are their objectives and how they attract members.
Week : 13
Marketing Foundations

Additional Information: Defining marketing and marketing utility. The marketing concept and basic functions of formulating marketing strategy, market segmentation and market research in different types of markets.
Week : 14
Promotion Highlights of a typical tourism promotion campaign for Turkey

Additional Information: Defining Promotion as an element of marketing mix. Explaining the components of Ppromotional mix and the most common and powerful one called advertising.discussing other elements of promotional mix: Personal Selling, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity. An audio-visual presentation of a tourism promotion campaign for discussion in the class
Week : 15 Final Exams : 20.05.2009 - 30.05.2009