THM 105 Introduction to Business                  






  Course Outline

Course Objectives

This course will enable students to develop an understanding of the business world, acquire basic knowledge about different types of businesses, discover what it takes to establish, operate and manage a business in a competitive environment while giving due consideration to the use of economic resources in most effective and efficient ways to generate success.


The structure and methods employed in this course will encompass lectures, discussion sessions and assignments with or without presentations.


There is a three-hour lecture session per week as indicated on the academic schedule followed by short discussion sessions at the end of each chapter

Course Requirements

  • Attendance: Students are expected to attend classes regularly. The absence rate should not exceed 25% of the total lecture hours as regulated by the University. Students with above the 25% absentee rate are not permitted to take the exams.
  • In-class participation: Students are expected to actively engage in classroom activities and discussion sessions.
  • Examinations and Grading: There will be one Mid-term and a Final examination in multiple choice and/or essay format along with two quizzes.
  • Homework Assignments: Two homework assignments are scheduled as part of your total grade from this course.

Rules of Conduct

Students are expected to devote their full attention to lectures and keep talking among themselves at minimum level.

Cell Phones must be turned off during the lecture hours.

Late arrivals to classroom should not exceed 5 minutes.