THM 309 Principles of Marketing                  






  Course Outline

Course Objectives

This course intends to lay down the groundwork for understanding marketing principles and their application in the marketing environment across various industries. students will master their marketing skills through case studies taken from real life situations and through participation in classroom discussions following each chapter.


The structure and methods employed in this course include lectures, case studies and discussions on relevant topics exercised in the classroom setting


There is one three-hour lecture session per week as indicated on the academic schedule. An hour of this three-hour lecture will be devoted to the case studies for which you must have your text book in the classroom.

Course Requirements

  • Attendance: Students are expected to attend classes regularly. The absence rate should not be more than 25% as regulated by the University. Students with above 25% absentee rate will not be permitted to take the exams.
  • Participation: Students are expected and urged to participate in classroom discussions.
  • Examination and Grading: There will be one Mid term, one Final examination and two quizzes in essay format . A case study exercise will be conducted each week where students will form groups of three or four to perform a team work.
  • Case Studies: Case studies will be related to topics covered in lectures or discussed during the classes. Students are expected to read the case and provide answers, evaluations or comments to the questions posed by the Instructor. Please be aware that there will be no make up for a missed case study.

Rules of Conduct

Students are expected to devote their full attention to lectures. Talking among classmates must be kept at a minimum level. Cell Phones have to be turned off during the lecture hours. Late arrivals to classroom should not exceed 5 minutes.